
Saturday, 25th November 2023

Registration Opens: 09:00 The Glasshouse

Exhibitions on Level One open

Coffee/Breakfast available for purchase from the Glasshouse Café

Session One: 10:30

A Creative AI Optimist

Francesca Rosella

A Chronicler of Geordie Activism

Gianfranco Rosolia

A Big Food Whistleblower

Chris Van Tulleken

Prince Andrew’s Persuader

Sam McAlister

Lunch: 12:00-13:15

Book Signings at Registration Desk

Session Two: 13:15

A Breathing Re-engineer

Jane Tarrant

A Storytelling Guardian

Anthony Tasgal

An Oil Industry Insider

Caroline Dennett

An Afro Funk Fusion Collective

Hannabiell & Midnight Blue

Break: 14:45 - 15:25

Book Signings at Registration Desk

Session Three: 15:25

A Drill Sergeant for Leaders

John Beamson

A Rubik’s Cube Prodigy

George Scholey

A Heavy Metal Musical Shaman

Mark Deeks

A Police & Crime Commissioner

Kim McGuiness

Ends: 17:00

Please note the programme is subject to change.

Amazing events are only made possible by working with incredible partners and sponsors. We’d like to thank our headline sponsor, Double Eleven, for helping make TEDxNewcastle 2023 possible.

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