Dr. Mark Deeks

Mark’s Talk

Could Heavy Metal Music Help Maintain Your Mental Health?

The English novelist Mary Ann Evans (aka George Eliot) once wrote… “Life seems to go on without effort when I am filled with music.”

Seemingly from the moment of our conception to our final hours music can be an ongoing source of pleasure for nearly all of us.

However, could we be selling music short? Could music go beyond mere leisure and become an active part of a regular regime for our mental health? If so, what sort of music should we be playing to help us keep our sanity. Could even heavy metal music help us relax? Should Metallica and Iron Maiden be a regular part of chillout playlists?

Professional rock musician & online piano teaching specialist Mark Deeks comes to TEDxNewcastle to challenge our assumptions about music and helps us understand the increasingly important role music can play in our mental health wellness.


A Heavy Metal Musical Shaman

Dr Mark Deeks is a Rock Piano Specialist with a PhD in Heavy Metal and 25+ years experience in the music industry. He’s worked as a Musical Director, performer and piano teacher, with everyone from the Royal Northern Sinfonia to Faye Tozer of Steps, as well as releasing music in 2 signed metal bands Winterfylleth and Arð . Motivated to share the benefits of music for mental health, he teaches adults and youth alike how to harness their musicality, write and arrange music, and play piano with fun, ease, and confidence.

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